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2011 December minutes

Salem City Hall                         93 Washington Street, Salem, MA 01970
                                                                                                        Ph: 978-745-9595

                                         Salem Parks and Recreation Commission
                                                       Minutes of Meeting

Date and Time:         Tuesday, December 20, 2011, 6:48 p.m.
Meeting Location:    5 Broad St.
Members Present:    Vice Chair Bob Callahan, Chris Burke, James Shea, Amy Everitt
Members Absent:     Chair Leslie Tuttle
Others Present:         Doug Bollen, Director, Salem Park, Recreation and Community Services,  
         Ward 1 Councilor Robert McCarthy
Recorder:                  Christine O’Brien

Meeting Called to Order
The meeting is called to order by Acting Chair Callahan at 6:48 pm.

Approval of October minutes
Callahan asks members to review the November minutes.
A motion to accept the minutes of the November 15 meeting is made by Burke, seconded by Shea, and passes unanimously.


Police officers Harry Rocheville and Robert Phelan – Discussion on issues at Skateboard Park
Rocheville introduces himself as Sergeant in charge of the Community Impact Unit.  He states that he has concerns regarding the skate park, and distributes handouts showing the state of the Gallows Hill Park and various other skate parks, and an analysis of calls for service from the Salem Police Department.  The Community Impact Unit is concerned about the condition of the skate park, the activity that is taking place at the park and the possible liability to the City of Salem.  

There have been numerous complaints from area neighbors about graffiti and vandalism.  There is no supervision at the park, and no way to control access to the park.  The majority of people using the park are not from Salem.  Rules (helmets required, no bicycles, specified hours) are not followed.  There is a small park for younger children adjacent to the skate park, and parents and children are intimidated by the actions of the people using the skate park.  Discussions with groups who frequent the park about ongoing problems have proved futile.  Rocheville suggests that a fence and lighting might help.  He fears that something worse is likely to happen, and feels that the park should be closed if it can’t be controlled.

A discussion follows about possible solutions.  Everitt asks if there might be a better location for the park.  Callahan states that one of the problems is that the park is somewhat isolated.  Bollen asks if a fence would help, and Rocheville says that it probably would not alleviate the problems significantly.  Shea would prefer to relocate or build a new park before shutting down the existing park based on its popularity.  Callahan asks if Bollen could cost out a move to a new location, which could be considered in the spring.  He also asks that the police department make suggestions for a more appropriate location.  Shea requests that Bollen survey a new location.  Burke questions the possibility of getting a grant to build a new, better park.  Bollen will look into possible resources.

Dave Gilbert – Update and discussion and vote on Winter Island fees for 2012
Gilbert distributes handouts of proposed fees for Winter Island 2012, as well as a supplement highlighting the main changes.  Parking will remain unchanged except for an increase in the daily rate from $10 to $15 on weekends and holidays.  The commercial boat launch/haul/park season rates would increase from $250 to $350.  Callahan asks if fees could be less for Salem residents.  McCarthy says that we are not free to amend mooring fees in the water.  Commercial fees would be the same for all.  Gilbert recommends raising the daily fee to $30.  Gilbert proposes lowering the season rate for recreational boat launch/haul/park from $150 to $100 to align more closely to nearby locations.  Callahan states that the commercial fees are too low and suggests raising them to $1000.  Burke says that an increase of 400% is too drastic and might have a negative impact on business.  He asks that Gilbert monitor use for next year.  The Commission agrees to table this item for further discussion after all fees have been reviewed.  Gilbert proposes no change to campsite fees.  He is in favor of increasing fees for picnic, pavilion and function hall areas.  He suggests dropping the rates on dinghy racks in order to increase occupancy.  Callahan suggests moving the unused racks to Kernwood.  Burke says that another rack could be bought or built for Kernwood.  Gilbert wants the fee for tender space to go up.  Callahan says that the rates should be the same for Winter Island and Kernwood and the other members of the Commission agree.  

The Commission does a final review of Gilbert’s recommendations.  Shea makes a motion to approve the recommendations with the following adjustments - the commercial (out of state) daily boat launch fee will be set at $35, the commercial season boat launch fee will be set at $750, the seasonal dingy rack fee for Salem residents will be set at $175, tender space will be set at $350 for residents and $500 for non-residents at both Winter Island and Kernwood, with Gilbert and the Harbormaster determining appropriate boat size.  Everitt seconds, and the motion passes unanimously.

Lisa Spence – Discussion and vote on Community Gardens at Winter Island
Spence introduces herself as the President of Salem Community Gardens.  The organization consists of 422 gardeners, and 211 registered gardens.  She requests that permission to use current raised bed garden space on Winter Island be continued for another year.  Bollen shares the history of the agreement which was initially made two years ago.  Spence states that Community Gardens would like another year to raise funds for a new, permanent location with a fence.  Callahan asks for Gilbert’s input.  Gilbert says that parking has become an issue, and he would like to reclaim the garden area for that purpose.  Shea asks if there is an alternate location which could be used for the gardens.  Callahan suggests that there may be locations in other park land.  Burke supports the gardens as a valid recreation and states that it would be difficult to move.  Callahan says the Commission should defer to the manager’s need for parking.  The agreement was temporary, and the space could be put to better use.  Spence says that she was expecting the gardens to be part of the future plan for Winter Island.  Shea says that the current location is not in the best place on the Island.  Shea proposes that Spence meet with Gilbert to look for another temporary location on Winter Island.  The Commission does not want to lose potential income.  If the Commission could obtain a grant for the gardens, this would not be an issue.  Everitt says that the temporary location could become permanent if a suitable placement is agreed upon.

Callahan suggests that the request be tabled until January’s meeting when Spence and Gilbert can come back with recommendations.  Burke expresses interest in going to the site to review.  Shea proposes that members of Spence’s group, Gilbert, Bollen and Burke meet and come up with recommendations.

Jackie Giordano – Discussion and vote on use of Dead Horse Beach for Polar Plunge on February 5
Giordano represents the North Shore Community Development Coalition and requests the use of Dead Horse Beach on February 5, 2012 to be the location of the annual Polar Plunge fund raiser.  This event raises over $30,000 in funds for ending homelessness through the North Shore CDC and River House.  It was the setting of the Salem event last year, and she expects there to be about 50-75 participants this year.  She has been in touch with the Salem Police Department and Harbormaster.  In the event of severe weather, the event would be cancelled.  Otherwise, plowing of light snow would be required.

Shea makes a motion to approve the request for use of Dead Horse beach for the Polar Plunge; it is seconded by Everitt, and passes unanimously.

Becky Christie – Discussion and vote on use of Dead Horse Beach for swim on New Year’s Day
Christie wants permission to use Dead Horse Beach as the location for a fundraiser swim on New Year’s Day, 2012.
All proceeds would be awarded to the Salem Food Pantry.  Last year’s receipts were about $4000.  She has spoken to Mayor Driscoll and Lt. Prozniewski of the Salem Police about holding the event.  She is requesting a police detail and ambulance be made available.  The event would begin at 1 p.m. and be of short duration.  In the event of bad weather, it would be cancelled.

Everitt makes a motion to grant permission for use of Dead Horse Beach for the fundraising swim on New Year’s Day, 2012.  The motion is seconded by Shea, and passes unanimously.

Paul L’Heureux, Gilbane Construction – Discussion and vote on use of Broad St. playground as staging area for construction at Collins Middle School
Bollen notes that L’Heureux is not present, and that Mayor Driscoll has declined use of the Broad St. playground for staging.  Gilbane Construction is currently looking for an alternate site.

Scott MacDonald – Discussion and vote on golf fees for 2012 season
MacDonald distributes information relevant to the discussion at hand.   He wants the ability to book small outings without first presenting to the board.  This type of outing is profitable, and he doesn’t want to risk losing the booking while waiting for approval from the board.  These outings would require full greens and cart fees, and an additional $6 per person fee for prizes.  The Commission responds that this is within his managerial responsibilities, and approval by the board is not necessary.  

He also recommends a change to tee time policy.  Allowing 6 day advanced booking for the general public, and 7 day advanced booking for season pass holders will increase repeat business, and income.   

MacDonald suggests changes to weekend passes in order to increase income.  He suggests lowering the cost and changing the 7 day pass to allow play after 1 p.m. on weekends.  Another proposal would be to change the 7 day pass to a 6 day pass with play allowed after 1 p.m. on Sundays, at a reduced cost.  By receiving the increased weekend fee during the busy mornings and allowing the season pass holder to play during slower afternoons, he expects to see increased revenue.
Burke questions if cancellations and “no shows” would have a larger impact.  MacDonald expects that he would be able to rebook any resulting tee times with public play.

Other recommendations include offering a senior 5 day pass and creating a 9 hole package for regional and charity events.

MacDonald also stresses that income from cart rentals needs to be improved.

Shea would like an alternate plan, keeping residents in mind.  Callahan does not want to see an increase in senior rates.  Burke has no opposition to an increase in senior rates.  There is some general discussion.  Councilor McCarthy states that some seniors are better able to take advantage of the season pass, while others play less often.  He asks if there is a way to make the cost more equitable.  Callahan suggests that a 10/20/30 round discount pass might be an option.  

MacDonald wants to advertise more, specifically the 6 day pass.  Everitt suggests more tee times need to be made available for non pass holders.  Shea asks for clarification on which of the income increasing proposals is highest on the list.  MacDonald says the 6 day pass and increases to senior passes would do the most to help revenue.  Burke says that the proposed pricing is too complicated.  Shea and Callahan say that filling all tee times and speeding up play would also
help to raise revenue.  

Consensus of the board is that there is a lot to consider.  Shea requests that additional options be presented at the next board meeting.  Callahan proposes that any vote be tabled until January’s meeting, and the board agrees.

Applications for rentals

None requested.

Finance Report
Golf-Witch House-Meters-Winter Island - review revenue monthly reports

Bollen reviews the financial reports provided to the Commission.

Bollen reports that November was a particularly good month and golf revenue is up and doing well.

The Witch House
The Witch House has been open for extended hours and is doing great.

Meters are up due to recent deposits.

Winter Island   
Store income is up. They had a great October and are doing very well.

Superintendent’s Report
Bollen reports that the position of Recreation Supervisor has been filled and will be announced at January’s meeting.

The Wild Turkey Race was a great success and had1620 runners, an increase from 1540 last year. It is still the largest race on the North Shore and Cape Ann. IT is a great fundraiser for Boys & Girls Club and Park & Recreation.

Parks and Facility
Park and Recreation Appreciation Night January 25, 2012
A list of awards has been prepared.  Bollen asks for any last minute additions.

Winter Island fees
Discussed above.  Approved with adjustments.

Golf Course fees
Discussed above.  Vote tabled for next meeting to allow review and evaluation of proposals and options.

Work has been completed at the Broad St. Playground and looks great.

Splaine Park
The state has not yet made a decision.  There is potential to use any monies granted for the Community Gardens organization.

Requisitions for Proposals
RFPs have been completed and sent out for bid on golf concession, water taxi, Mack Park and Hanson St. houses. Kayaking and Boat cruise lines will be sent out shortly

Bollen asks for a motion to approve the bonfire at Salem Willows on January 6, 2012.  Everitt makes a motion to approve. The motion is seconded by Shea and passes unanimously.

Old Business
Callahan requests that January’s meeting be rescheduled for Tuesday January 31st at 6:45 pm.  The board accepts the new date.

Bollen discusses a letter from Councilor Prevey concerning Furlong Park and asks that it be addressed at January’s meeting.  The park needed to be redesigned and contamination issues resolved.  The grant was limited to a specific dollar amount.  Councilor Prevey is asking that the Commission give due consideration to support additional funding of the cut backs. Prevey ask that Kathy Wynn, Asst. Director of Community Planning be invited to address the cutbacks at the January meeting.  Bollen may need to go to Council for appropriation of additional funding if needed.  

New Business
Councilor McCarthy asks to speak on actions of the Green Communities Planning Department.  He received complaints about the creation of a cement bicycle pad and rack on Hawthorne Boulevard to be created as part of the bike share program.  Bollen states that Hawthorne Boulevard falls under the responsibility of the Parks and Recreation Commission, and any action should have been approved by the Commission prior to any work being done.  McCarthy says that additional funding and ADA approval will be needed for required improvements to the water bubbler.  He stresses the need to design any changes properly so that it will not need to be redone.  Work has been stopped awaiting the Commission’s review.  The Board is requesting further information be presented at January’s meeting.

Adjournment Next Meeting January 31, 2011
A motion to adjourn is made by Shea, seconded by Everitt, and passes unanimously.
The meeting ends at 9:28pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Christine O’Brien
Clerk, Salem Parks and Recreation Commission
2011 December